Saturday, July 21, 2007


The "f" used to stand for football. Sadly, it seems to be in a transition to felon. I quit watching the NFL several years ago. I love football. The athleticism required to play, the explosion of energy on each down, the strategy involved to ram the ball down their throats to score all provide a high level of interest to me. I am also a friend to "man's best friend." So when I see that a very high profile NFL star is involved in something so dark and disturbing as dogfighting, it definitely makes me wonder what the league is all about it.
A guy named Mark Bradley, supposedly a sportswriter, wrote an article about how the NFL and the Atlanta Falcons should not be quick to judge Michael Vick, who is currently under federal indictment. I used to think that Mark Bradley was just a poor sportswriter. Now, I see that he is a poor human being. There were blood stains in the carport on Vick's property. Maybe I'm not familiar with how Americans live, but I just don't believe that that many people have blood stains on their properties without having a slight suspicion or misgiving about that circumstance.
Nobody's perfect and everyone makes mistakes but for someone with a $100 million plus contract, there is a higher expectation on many levels of interaction with society. Both the Falcons and the NFL are tarnished by association with Vick. In contrast to Bradley's advice, Nike has delayed the release of a Vick shoe edition. The NFL doesn't have a pristine reputation but it would go a long way in restoring public goodwill to take a strong stand for humane conduct and suspend Vick's current access to the league.
I'm pretty sure that Vick didn't dig all those dog graves on his property.