Sunday, April 22, 2007


Another beautiful day beams warm and clear. Oh sweet breedin' season, oh sweet trailer girls. A long walk through tall pines and countless moments of mindless yipping with a treasured, soft and pretty scoop of heaven tugging gently toward pure pleasure.

help me, Rhonda, help help me Rhonda

It could very well be the end of capitalism, reality television, and supermarket coupons. Paint me an anarchist, all green and lazy. Lay me sideways and let me look deep into the omnipotent eyes of the sweet and pretty. March straight from dusk to dawn and protect us from predetermined enemies; just don't march between her and my eyes. Fill my mind with any program you choose. Call Ivan, Abdul, and Oscar. Tell them: mission accomplished. One more effort exhausted and translated on the meaningless ledger of power. Looking deeper still into her eyes where life becomes reality and the meaning of existence sleeps warm and full.
There are many piles of American dollar bills. There are many lines of words strung together to guide or mislead. Nature has many answers. Everyone must learn to see or choose to ignore.

what happened to your little baby
what happened to your little girl
she said she'd always love you
in your heart-shaped world

Sleep covers the thirst and smiles burn sweet dreams further into this cerebral mesh blanketed in Nature's calming truth.

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