Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Life isn't about destroying the bad. Life is about creating good. So you and I, let's sing along with a lively band of angels and a pride of lions. I'll wear the coat of capitalism if you'll plant the azaleas, or you can wear the coat. I'd much rather dig in the dirt. I'll act sad and tragic to fulfill your need for purpose. You can school me about committment, fidelity, and honesty. There is much for me to learn. There are many things to do. We can take kids to the zoo, diagram sentences and space labs, frolic gallantlly during prime commerce hours and randomly mow lawns in neighborhoods far from where we live. Or, we could just there on the couch and watch the world unravel before our sad, tired eyes. Of course, there's no way we're ever going to do any of this stuff unless we eat a lot of this:

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