Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Like I said before, I'm bad with math. Yesterday, or the day before, I should have typed that I have seven cousins on one side, twelve on the other.
Remember in elementary school art time when you used to suck on the Magic Marker tips just to get that funny feeling? Well, today at work I was looking for that funny feeling. We have one part of production where they use a pretty strong adhesive. I never had tried it before, but after seeing Dynagirl this morning, it seemed like things were going my little way. I told the men in production how hard the winter was going to be and if we didn't work harder than lizards on a cricket farm, I teared up here for emphasis, that we might miss spring's frolic due to standing in a long, unhappy line for unemployment. They just looked at me with confusion. My distraction had worked though and when I left them standing there, a bottle of A75 glue was in my pocket. I snuck into my office, pulled up a picture of Catherine Deneuve on the monitor, and took a really big whiff of the 75. After that, I remember standing up and reaching for the doorknob. My mind was blank from then until I heard the words, very clearly, "how long has he been like that ..."

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