Friday, December 14, 2007


Meteor shower viewing tonight. Not far from here is a reservoir with boat ramps all up and down it. Pretty good area to lay back on a cheap lounge chair in the truck bed and take in the wonder of it all. Not far from here are tasty country girls who laugh loud and squeeze hard. Pretty good area to roll around and take in the smell of it all. Not far from here are some extremely beautiful people with minds filled up with logic. Pretty good area to flop around and take in the dream of it all.
I do enjoy the wonder, smell and dream of it all. Kissing is no small miracle to be sure and we are all small. So at one am, within five hours of the atlantic ocean, my little eyes will be kissing the universe. dodadodadodado
It all comes down to what's inside. We all know the difference between right and wrong. We all know that no one else is responsible for the chemistry set carpet burns, the dead frog, the broken window, her tears, the lost hours. We all know where to find the desire to do right. We all know that we have a choice to make. Here on the island, we've tried over and over to legislate that decision away to a huge decision deletion bureaucracy. When I hop in an internal combustion machine and am forced to wear a belt because of a law made by people who I pay, to ride on a road that I've contributed dollars toward to be made and paved, there is something fundamentally wrong going on. If you want to be safe, stay home. If you don't want to make decisions, then don't. Leave us ours. That's what the mind was designed for in the essence of it all. Maybe those legislators are smarter than me. They're not there at the end of the week helping me carry my load; not that I want them to be. Laws are not bad. Too many laws are bad. There are laws against murder. People get murdered everyday. Artificial life is all about money. Life is all about living. I want problems to solve, decisions to make, mistakes to experience, girls to lick, dogs to pet, fish to eat, and a sharp knife in my pocket. Occam's razor. Slice it, babe!
I still don't know what the heck's the matter with me.


Anonymous said...

pretty interesting..........

Endymion said...

Thanks. I almost froze watching the meteors. It had been warm during the day, so I only wore a pair shorts and a sweatshirt. It was 39 degrees. It was worth it though. It's just fun watching things fall in the night sky.