Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Went crazy tonight and implemented a play to our offense. If I had waited another week, they wouldn't have picked it up by the end of the season. It might be just enough chaos to generate an extra point or two in a game. The key to any designed play in any sport is execution. The key to execution is timing. The key to timing is repetition. Over and over and over. We practice once a week for an hour. Even though it's a simple play, it takes more than hour to even remember it by each player. Keep in mind that these are 1st to 3rd graders. For some, it's their first experience in organized ball. We'll see how it all shakes out on Saturday. Show time, baby.
The IRA dude visited us today at the Company. I like him. Word on the street is that by thirty he was a millionaire. Of course, a million dollars isn't what it used to be. The market was at about 8000 when he started talking to us in 2002. Even with the recent market carnage, it's still way up. I'll never be money wealthy. My wealth is my ability to see and live Beauty. I've danced and sung with Beauty on high mountains, beneath the ocean, and behind my grandparent's home. I don't know how to sell it, not that I would. I wouldn't trade it, even if I could. I'm just putting american dollar bills in a place for the next generation. Remember that brilliant niece whom I mentioned a few days ago? She's my next generation. Money just doesn't like me. People think of me as a kind person. When it comes to money, I'm mean. Yeah, money runs when it sees me coming. Money looks like a "spent piece of used jet trash" after I get my hands on it. We've all got a pothole or two in our personalities.


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