Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Atlanta Dream
I'm not really a pro sports fan. Give me the student/athlete any day of the week who is playing the game. From about the age of nine until age sixteen, I could have told you the entire starting line-ups for every NFL team. It was a slow transition. Living close to a college town, I've been to a slew of college football games. The great Keith Jackson referred to it as "the pageantry." The history and intensity of college football is a beautifully sharp, two-edged sword that cuts everyone in its path. No pain, no gain, brother.
My grandfather used to watch every Braves game that came across the airwaves. I watched a bunch with him. One of the best memories of my life was watching the 1992 NLCS with Granddad. We were both jumping up and down when Cabrera drove home Justice and Bream in the bottom of the ninth in game seven. Man, that's a great moment to remember.
So I'm hoping to enjoy the WNBA in the ATL.



Mike Golch said...

I'm not into the professional sports as I once it has become a business and the "players"are not loyal tothe teams or even the city where the team is located.all that matters is how much money will you pay me.
At least that is what it seems to be to me.
I know one NBA player that is not very loyal to his teams home we have basketball,baseball and football teams here in town.and istead of sporting our baseball teams cap.He would rather wear a yankees cap instead.This show me that all he is in for is the big bucks that the team will pay him.He did not even go to collage instead he went from high school right to the is about the money and that is all.

Endymion said...

Yes, I agree with you 100% on that. One thing about the WNBA is that they make an embarrassingly less amount of money per year than the NBA. We had the travesty of Michael Vick in Atlanta. There's a lot of bad in professional sports, but I'm really looking forward to supporting our WNBA team.

Mike Golch said...

True the wmba players are under paid.On the flip side of the coin the men are paid way too much.

Mike Golch said...

Not only are the males sports players over paid the are undermoraled as used to be if you got a women pregnate you maned up and married the woman.Now a days they don't.On "man" who's nick name is king james.not got his girlfriend pregnant and did not marry her his excuse was that he was too yong to get married he "knoched" her up a second time.
I guess I'm just too old for my own good,I still have the 50's values in me.I guess that I'm just an idealist that wishes thing could be back to a simpler way of life.