Saturday, January 19, 2008

Life is fast

Cold and wet. It will probably start snowing here in a few minutes. It's dark now, so if I kept on blogging I wouldn't know it. I'm not going to blog into the late evening though. Nope. Gonna get into my internal combustion machine and drive to an outfitter's shop. Need to purchase a small backpack for tomorrow. Should have already done it, but I started watching Maryland vs. North Carolina and it was too good of a game to leave. Maryland defeated number 1 and undefeated North Carolina in a whale of game. Both teams have excellent coaches. I've always been impressed with Gary Williams, the Maryland coach.
It was raining pretty steady before our game this morning. Most of the players arrived at the gym wet. On Tuesday at practice, I really stressed defense. They did a lot better this week. We only practice for an hour once a week so it's difficult to cover every aspect of the game each week. This week, we'll go over passing beneath the basket. We did really good today. One player asked me at the end of the game, "Is it over already?" That's a good day.

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