Monday, November 19, 2007


We won. It wasn't pretty, but a win is a win. The fact that we barely beat a team with 3 wins this late in the season points to a poor job of coaching on our part. It is time to change. Our coach has his head so far up his rear end that he can already see next week's lunch. We have not improved in scheme or preparation since the first game of the season. We play our in-state rival on Saturday. My voice will be hoarse after the game from cheering. Our chances for victory do not look promising. Our players proved that they can win in spite of the coach this past Saturday. Maybe we can do it again.
Apollo got his Wii.
Butter got some more money but no help.
It's going to be a great week. Maybe we'll remember how much help we received to get to where are, rather than being thankful that we're not like those who got left behind.
Spin groovy and rock on, kids.

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