Sunday, January 20, 2008


Good morning bloggers. Got a two hour trip to get started on. It's dark and cold. 26f, feels like 19f. Right now it's 14f, feels like 1f, where I'm going. 0% precipitation is the key number though. Plentiful sunshine with a high of 40f. Have a good day. Prove your love.



Aries Aleson said...

I know Phoenix would do anything to be where you are now, with all that snow. :P

Endymion said...

Anything? Chuckle. That's about 2 hours northwest of where I live. We got about five flakes and that was it. Nothing on the ground. It was really pretty up there though.

Aries Aleson said...

Still, you have snow! I wish we had it here where I live. :p Not even a speck! LOL.

Endymion said...

Well, I have mentioned a time or two that I live in paradise. :)

Mike Golch said...

Great far as the snow and cold goes if you are from a region that has it you are used to the cold and snow.When you have snow....Make SNOWANGLES!!!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! so there!!

Endymion said...

Thanks, Mike. If I had a story that good, I'd stick it to myself. That's a comfy looking chair, by the way.

Mike Golch said...

Yeh it is a comfy chair,it would be better if I could aford to get it fixed so I could recline in it again.but that is not high on my lists of things to do.especially when you live on a fixed income as I do.
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