Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Beauty whispers beauty in my ear
liquidy splashed brilliance
sparking another significant year
searching for lonely unpaired socks
beyond casual vision
between glittering thought docks
after lip swimming sweet Athena skin
unwritable quiet knowledge
negated temporary human win
sharing the jungle with boredom logs
giving delinquents fire
burning hourly beneath Italian dialogs
saving the wistful, muscular and lucky
voted uneven fair
to celebrate the wise, honest and plucky
smiling, leaning on Beauty's shoulder
sharply nudged rear
unlearning the truth about "older"
daydreaming Ashley Olsen empire
locked above oxygen
unbreathing the mass opium pyre



rantergirl said...

Hey. Its really funny that even though i had my 'no guy' warning, only guy have commented. Lol. Thanks for your great comment. Everyone has random thoughts from time to time and mine are happily documented for the world to see. If i do write things, even on serious topics, i enjoy making people atleast smaile or laugh whilst pondering my rantings. I enjoyed reading the poem on your post. It was creative and thought provoking and i enjoy putting my own interpretation on poetry and it allowed me to do that. Did you write it?

Endymion said...

Thanks for the visit and the words. Yes.

Mike Golch said...

your Poetry is great,I only wish I had some of the bad stuff that I had written when I was a teen in high school,but alais that is lost to time,as some of the other thing that I had prior to entering the USAF.

Endymion said...

Thanks so much, Mike. Well, you can't keep everything, where would you put it?

Mike Golch said...

I would have added it to the storage room that we have it is called the second bedroom.My wife and i call it our Fibber McGhee's closet.(that's from a show called Fibber McGhee and Molly)I bet you could find a smidgelet of it on utube.Last year on PBS the showed how the (don't open that door)routine was done.
2 pack rats should never be married,but we are.