Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I just disappeared over the weekend, watched some softball on ESPN and drifted. The Big Gun is really sick and things aren't getting better. Though inevitable, getting old isn't a good thing. Time can connect a human being with experiences that are worthwhile and all that but too much of it takes a high toll. Time always wins. Enjoy the moment. No matter how much paper we accumulate, words we read, bodies we lick, water we dip, or fires we start, we all know there's an end to it all. Bummer. There's really no reason to be practical at all. Every day should be a vicious fight for the moment; anything else is just a waste of time. Time isn't a dimension to be controlled. I wish it was quittin' time. Every second is "quittin' time." Every second is "gut check" time. Every second is winning time, losing time, mental time, emotional, spiritual, whatever.

1 comment:

Mike Golch said...

Thanks for the gordon Lightfoot music.