Now I dream
running faster than cancerswimming deeper than hate
jumping higher than greed
quietly alone
and in groups with quilts and cloaks
made all over the world
by human hands
on earth
where I can hear
the steady breathing, greetings
for every ear and heart
beneath love and clear blue skies
beside kindness and cool creeks
around truth and tall pinetrees
never waiting again for anything
where the air is comfort
where the sun is growth
where the stars are sight
and every human being knows
the value in every human being
Awake now
I selfishly hide
when children are battered
when children are scarred
when children are ignored
not believing in me
or anything I've ever written
outside the shark rich water
clear and unevolved to falter
equipped to pitch disaster
or reach
another dreaming hand
to fight and stand
sounds like some really bad nightmares,and that there are issues to be delt with.
Great analysis, Mike.
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