Monday, June 30, 2008


When I was a kid my parents would take my brother and me to Six Flags instead of the county fair. It was a sweet deal. The fair never had anything to compare with the Flags. I spoke with my parents this morning about my recent Six Flags visit on Friday. They told me that a young boy had climbed over a fence in a restricted area and got his head cut off by a roller coaster on Saturday, the day after we had gone to the Flags. Story here. It is terrible to imagine the devastation that that boy's family is going through.
I've got the week off but no major travel plans. We might go tour a dam today but the plans are sketchy. Tomorrow we're going to drop down to Atlanta to visit Fernbank. Fernbank has giganotosaurus, the world's largest meat-eating dinosaur. Now who wouldn't want to see that. It's great having a family. We're not officially a family yet. We'll be married soon enough though. Yesterday we went to see Wall-E. It's a funny movie.

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