Saturday, February 23, 2008


Around the bend where the creek babbles smooth and the honeysuckles hang free over a shallow bank, a brick chimney is all that remains from a fire-leveled human dwelling. No one died in the fire. I go there on warm spring days with curious-hearted, insecure people. It's relaxing. It teaches a good lesson about how most things are temporary. There will always be fire. Live your life as though there's fire burning in your heart, mind or soul. Nature loves me and I respect Nature. Rather than being afraid of Nature and trying to crew cut everything that grows or killing everything that doesn't stay in it's pen, enjoy and respect nature. Humans pose a much greater threat to existence. Of course, existing with Nature requires some good sense. Nature is more powerful than any human ever met.


Anonymous said...

Hi, look here

Elizabeth said...

Olá, tudo bem? Espero que sim...
Muito obrigada por visitar o meu blog...
voce é muito gentil...

Endymion said...

Hello. Good thanks. I appreciate your visit too.