Saturday, February 16, 2008

"space may be the final frontier"

After the recent shooting at Northern Illinois University that took five vibrant and beautiful lives, I wonder what lesson are we not learning. Maybe "we" shouldn't be in the question. What is it that I'm not learning. Do I love myself so much that I'm ignoring the suffering of others? Am I unclear about how important it is to listen when other people are expressing their needs? Whatever it is, I'm doing something wrong. Death is a reality that we all have to live with every day. Murder isn't a reality that we have to accept as unpreventable. A higher sense of how precious life can be would be a good start. Believing that human life is a beautiful experience is the essential mindset. There is never going to be one hundred percent agreement between everyone ever. Human beings are always going to fight, whether physically or verbally. Fighting isn't the problem. Preventing the final step that crosses the boundary between respect for human life and violence is the essential "lego" to a solution.

"but it's made in a Hollywood basement" Red Hot Chili Peppers


Mike Golch said...

You have to wonder why our system for selling fire arms is not tighter.the backroud check should take longer and gun sales at gun shows need to be controlled a lot better that they are.Then maybe than we will not have to read about or see on T.V.the lose of our young people's lives.For the youth are our future,and we need to take better care of that future.

Endymion said...

I don't know if anything would have shown up in this guy's background. He was thought of as an "excellent" student by fellow students and professors.