Friday, February 15, 2008

ice cream

There's nothing like reading about ice cream an hour before lunch to get even hungrier. Well, maybe one thing, but nothing else with your clothes on. On the web yesterday at MSN Money they posted an article from Business Week. I didn't know that Ben & Jerry's and Breyer's were owned by the same company. Yep, Unilever. That's a terrible name for a company owning ice cream icons. A few years ago, I couldn't get enough of Edy's. Edy's is owned or produced by Dreyer's, which is owned by Nestle. It seems like they changed their look and it requires some serious investigation after work today. As much I enjoy ice cream, the numbers really impressed me. $59 billion annual worldwide sales is a lot of ice cream being consumed.
Ah, found it. Edy's Dreamery line. Good. Dang. The Dreamery line has been discontinued. There's nothing to work for anymore.

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