Friday, February 22, 2008


Rainy and cold. Still not spring.
We did a lot of KOAing when we were kids. We never met Marilyn Monroe or saw huge waves. We did see a few Airstreams. I loved the way they looked on the outside. A lot of people talk about how "comfy" they are on the inside. Comfy is a tent and a sleeping bag and a female with an attitude and a "funny accent." Airstreams have a unique look and the story of their company is interesting.
The founder of Airstream was Wally Byam. He was born in 1896 in Oregon. As a teenager, he was a shepherd "living in a two-wheeled donkey cart outfitted with a kerosene cookstove, a sleeping bag, and a wash pail." After a stint with the merchant marines, attending Stanford, and publishing a magazine, he began to make trailers in his backyard in LA. 300 companies were making "travel trailers" during the 1930's. His was the only one to survive the Depression.

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