Sunday, April 20, 2008


My knee felt okay yesterday morning. At 5am, I was on my bike ready to ride. A few rain drops began to fall so my ride was short. The rain fell hard around 9:30am. I went to a school talent show to see my brilliant niece. It was fun. Then I went to the spring football game. The sun came out and the weather was delicious. The crowd was huge compared to last year's attendance. The large crowd threw off my parking strategy. When plans a, b, c, d, and e where abandoned, I kinda quite paying attention and just threw my internal combustion machine anywhere it would fit. The weather was so fantastic that I didn't really mind wandering around the campus for forty minutes trying to find where I had parked. Directionally challenged was a term that I heard on the radio this morning used by the director of a meals-on-wheels organization to describe herself. Me too. I really need to attach my Garmen-Nuvi gps to my skull.


Mike Golch said...

Me too,I hate when we cannot find the car.

Endymion said...

I've gotten used to it.