Wednesday, April 30, 2008


It's working. My canoe is floating. Smile, smile.
Why isn't easy appealing? Water is excellent but most of us drink sugarwater. Nudity is fun but most of us wear clothes. None of us enjoy being lied to, yet we all lie. Most of us want more money, but few of us spend less. Most of us enjoy freedom but we all cling to structure. Few of us want to rule the world but we all know we'd make it a better place. We're all poets but few of us communicate. We all love to dance but few of us boogie. Maybe I didn't boogie enough. It's obvious that I have no idea what I'm typing. My fingers are simply energetic dynamos searching for that dynamic string of consonants and vowels to make babies warm, youth smile, and the aging to slowly shed their clothes with vigorous joy. People don't need another war, flag debate, budget meeting, stop sign, red light, mile of asphalt, plastic stuff, hero picture, neighborhood watch, bag of chips, political slogan, or another diet. We, the people, need more pools, watermelons, honesty, dogs, trees of any kind, bicycle rides, monkeys, green fields, muddy river swims and mountain trails. We need more action, bull riding, bat swinging, hoop shooting, lip-locked smackin', booty-shakin' all-nighter boogiein', and crazy hill rolling. Of course, tomorrow I'll sit in my office trying to convince the world that the current crisis isn't nearly as big as the last one while daydreaming about monkeys and muddy rivers.
Gonna ride my bike. Dreamgirl used to name everything. I'm gonna take her example and name my bike. Dasher, my bike.

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